Moral Project - Kerja Amal

Friday, July 3, 2009

Woke up at 7 something,
went to Ee Chuen's house 1st,
then walk to Kiara Park after that,
to pick up those rubbish,
I love and I care about the environment,
I got the proof for my moral project now,
and here are some pictures that my friends or took by me just now.

Environment Lovers


Coconut bra

Pictures are ready to send,
leave a message at Cbox / sms / msn me, can't help you all print,
I want a DSLR camera.


  1. KherJia Lee said...

    Omg..yik han!
    still remember me?
    Kher Jia ar..
    std 5 sat next to you d ~